Aquaculture Researchers

Below is a list of researchers at the University of Guelph that focus (at least partially) on aquaculture. Their research is divided into three fields below, although many overlap. Scroll down to see more info and please contact them if you would like to collaborate.

Fish Genetics & Health Fish Nutrition & PhysiologyWild Fish & Environment
Marcia ChiassonAndy TurkoAtaharul Chowdhury
Roy DanzmannDavid HuybenBob Hanner
John LumsdenDominique BureauElizabeth Boulding
Niel KarrowNick BernierJennifer Silver
Wael AhmedRich MocciaMatt Cornish
Rob McLaughlinNeil Rooney
Sarah Alderman

Fish Genetics & Health

Dr. Marcia Chiasson

Fish physiology, genetics, and animal health. Manager of the Ontario Aquaculture Research Centre (OARC) that holds coldwater fish species.

For more, visit Marcia Chiasson.

Dr. Roy Danzmann (Emeritus)

Developmental and physiological genetics of salmonid fishes.

For more, visit Roy Danzmann.

Dr. Niel Karrow

Innate immunoregulation, immunotoxicology and immunogenetics of mammals and fish.

For more, visit Niel Karrow.

Dr. John Lumsden

Aquatic animal health, pathology, veterinarian, innate immunity, and regeneration and proteomics in teleosts and corals.

For more, visit John Lumsden.

Dr. Wael Ahmed

Mechanical engineering, flow analysis of water, and thermo-fluid analysis or mechanical systems.

For more, visit Wael Ahmed.

Fish Nutrition & Physiology

Dr. Andy Turko

Respiratory and conservation physiology of fishes in changing environments.

For more, visit Andy Turko.

Dr. David Huyben

Aquaculture production, gene expression, fish microbiome, and fish nutrition.

For more, visit David Huyben.

Dr. Dominique Bureau

Aquaculture production, fish nutrition, fish physiology, and aquaculture management.

For more, visit Dominique Bureau.

Dr. Nick Bernier

Marine and freshwater biology, fish physiology, and environmental stressors on fish growth and development.

For more, visit Nick Bernier.

Prof. Rich Moccia (Emeritus)

Aquaculture production, fish physiology, water quality and fisheries science.

For more, visit Rich Moccia.

Dr. Rob McLaughlin (Emeritus)

Agricultural practices on stream fishes, animal behaviour, biodiversity, and animal physiology.

For more, visit Rob McLaughlin.

Wild Fish & Environment

Dr. Ataharul Chowdhury

Knowledge mobilization and adoption of digital technologies to improve the sustainability of aquaculture.

For more, visit Ataharul Chowdhury.

Dr. Bob Hanner

Species identification using DNA barcoding (e.g. seafood fraud) and monitoring environmental impacts of aquaculture using environmental DNA (eDNA).

For more, visit Bob Hanner.

Dr. Elizabeth Boulding

Environmental impacts on genetic adaptation of wild fish populations and genomic selection for traits in Atlantic salmon.

For more, visit Elizabeth Boulding.

Dr. Jennifer Silver

Fisheries, aquaculture, coastal communities, international ocean governance, Indigenous fishing rights, and technology in environmental governance.

For more, visit Jennifer Silver.

Mr. Matt Cornish

Integrative marine and freshwater research. Coordinator of the Hagen Aqualab that holds coldwater and tropical fish, shellfish and coral species.

For more, visit Matt Cornish.

Dr. Neil Rooney

Environmental impacts of aquaculture, biodiversity assessment of wild fish and invertebrates, and food web stability.

For more, visit Neil Rooney.

Dr. Sarah Alderman

Effects of environmental stressors on neural, endocrine, and cardiac systems of fish.

For more, visit Sarah Alderman.